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Watch Sierra Zanghi nail her Reporter's Admonition (beginning at 2:45 minutes with Judge Proudfoot's introduction):
"Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning, everybody. My name is Sierra Zanghi. I will be the court reporter on the record today. I am a court reporter candidate in the State of CA. As a reminder, it is my legal and ethical duty to capture the record and make sure that we are taking down everything accurately today and to defend that record. So, I'm sure that Her Honor will be interrupting if she needs to, but I will also be interrupting if for any reason or for whatever reason I'm not able to hear or understand what is being said. So if you hear my voice or if you see me waving my hands, please just take a moment, we'll clarify and then we'll move on. All right. With that, thank you very much, Your Honor, and we'll proceed."
What Judge Proudfoot said immediately following Sierra's admonition resulted in law students being conscientious of making a clear record.
Watch Chandler's admonition at 41:26:
"Thank you, Your Honor. My name is Chandler Alvino, and I will be relieving Sierra. Everyone's pace has been great so far, but just as a reminder, I will be speaking up if I cannot hear or understand anyone. Thank you."
Watch Shai's admonition at 1:48:12:
"Thank you, Your Honor. My name is Shai Stevens. I am your third and final reporter for the day. Again, just to reiterate, my job is to capture the record. If at any time I cannot hear or understand what is being said, I will interrupt briefly for clarification of the record. That is all."
Because of Judge Proudfoot's powerful support, Sierra, Chandler, and Shai were able to capture the record without a single interruption, even when Chandler reported expert witness testimony of two fast-talking law students.
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